Choosing to create a ‘Healthier home’ is the best place to start right now in April 2020. We are going into week five in isolation, to combat Covid-19. If you haven’t already committed to developing some new and healthier habits, then I am here to help you. To plan and to implement good habits, ‘step by step’ all of the way!

Let us look at your Wellness as a ‘triangle’. A triangle has three points. Each point 1, 2 & 3 represents an area of your ‘wellness’ that you must work at, to keep it in balance during isolation. Those there points, and area of focus are 1.Physical 2. Mental and 3.Emotional. So let us take time now to focus on each individual point. Breaking them down into simple step by step ideas for change, to enable you to implement new healthier habits for you and your family members. After all this is not just for the ‘here and now’, but for your future Wellness post lock down, so keep reading!

1. Physical – It is this simple ‘GET MOVING’. The focus here must be on ‘movement’ and how much you, and your family members, are moving on a daily basis. What daily fitness routine do you, or they, have in place? Are you just using the governments ‘daily exercise allowance’ to get out for a brisk walk? We can all do this, but we can certainly do more to stay well. Choose to dedicate a further 30 minutes a day to moving your body weight. This will make the necessary gains not just physically, but mentally and emotionally too, that your body will crave to keep all body systems in ‘balanced’.
On reading this: Choose to develop a new daily fitness habit, for example 30 minute bodyweight HIIT workout, or learn to train headstands. No excuses, as there is no need for equipment – just YOU! Consider working out with our partner, or family members if you are blessed to be in isolation with others. So many personal trainers online are doing daily ‘Lives’ to help us all. I can personally recommend @temp_tation @bradleysimmonds and @scottjacksonpt on Instagram, who provide daily lives and fitness education to a high standard. As a personal trainer I would only recommend the best for my readers.

2. Mental – Do you know when you need to recharge the batteries? Are you feeling low mood and fatigued? Let us look at some simple things that you can implement ‘step by step’ to improving, or keeping your mental health balanced during isolation. Firstly, look at your sleep pattern. Are you getting a good night’s rest? If not reader, start here. I will blog on this further. But for now consider your sleep routine. Are you one of the many on their phone to that point just before sleep, where you switch it off after you’ve turned off the bedside lamp? Perhaps implement a ‘no phone’ or devices rule, two hours before the time you wish to sleep, and read instead or listen to music. Try to find ways to relax and destress before bed. Like taking a bath, spraying lavender spray on your pillow or even sitting down to meditate for 10 minutes in quiet before attempting to sleep.

3. Emotional– This really is all about the way you view, and see, yourself. Do you feel good enough to think of, and want to, spending time to pamper yourself? And if so, on a regular basis? Or does your Self-care come last over paying the bills and giving what you have left to others?

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